"...to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
-Ephesians 4:12

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let's Get Physical

Remember this song? I'd have to say early 80's maybe later was when Olivia Newton John belted out this memorable (if not disturbing) tune. Interestingly enough, the title ties perfectly with next installment of the "Daniel Fast" Diaries....hey, that's not bad, I'll have to remember that.

Now you would think that going on a fast would lead someone to feell extremely weak and tired. Possibly losing strength at each passing day just longing to eat that next burger from Wendy's only to survive. To you I say, Au Contraire (I did take a semester of French. That word is french right?) . Now don't get me wrong, the Daniel fast is not exactly an enjoyable experience at first. Eliminating meat, dairy, sugars and seasonings from my diet was like 90% of my nutritional intake some days. But I made it through and interesting enough, I actually began to enjoy it.

Over the course of the 21 days, I physically began to feel better. I slept extremely peacefully despite a 7 month old that insisted on waking up every night. However, this was a perfect opportunity to spend some time feeding her and in prayer. Each morning I felt well rested and ready to begin the next day. It was as if I didn't need as much sleep as I first thought. However , now that the fast has ended I seem to be needing more sleep again. This is probably not coincidental.

In addition to the sleep, I noticed no major change in physical performance. My workouts continued to go well and I experienced no major drop off in strength or endurance during the 3 weeks. Speaking of dropping off, I did manage to lose about 15-17 pounds during the 3 week fast. A bit much and not what my intentions of the fast were, however I have begun to wonder about the possibility of a Daniel Diet. Just kidding...or am I?

Anyway, all in all, physically the fast was tremendous. I will admit that I couldn't wait to add meat back into my diet, but besides that have stayed pretty true to the Daniel fast lifestyle. (Except for the occiassional pancake and hot chocolate. I love hot chocolate.)

However, in hindsight, why should we be surprised that this is what happens physically on this fast. In the book of Daniel 1:15-16 At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his three friends looked healthier and better nourished than the young men who had been eating the food assigned by the king. So after that, the attendant fed them only vegetables instead of the rich foods and wines. Seriously, I think it just did what it was supposed to.

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